Reaching the Jews for Jesus – Brit-Hadashah Ministries


Reaching the Jews for Jesus is just that! In this book, you will read of the continuing Gospel outreaches of B’rit Hadashah Ministries to the Jewish people in the land of Israel.

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Reaching the Jews for Jesus is just that! In this book, you will read of the continuing Gospel outreaches of B’rit Hadashah Ministries to the Jewish people in the land of Israel. The first volume, Messengers of Messiah, chronicled our earlier outreaches to Israel from 2001 to 2005. This is volume two of an ongoing series chronicling this ministry’s Gospel witnessing in the Promised Land from 2006 to 2011.

My hope is that as you read of the phenomenal ministry experiences we had in bringing Jesus back to His open and receptive people, you will be inspired to get involved in Jewish evangelism yourself. The Church has a responsibility and a command from the Word of God to do this very thing as they carry out the Great Commission (Romans 1:16). This book shows how that can be done by any born again Bible-believing Christian who wants to obey the Lord in taking the Gospel “to the Jew first.”

Let’s partner together in bringing Jesus back to His homeland and His people who are thirsting for a knowledge of Him in these last days, as Israel and the Jewish people play a central role in End-times Bible prophecy. They cannot remain in the dark about the things to come as outlined in the prophetic Word of Scripture. And this book shows how the Christian can inform the Chosen People by sharing the Gospel of their Messiah with them as foretold in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament (Luke 24:44-46).