The Mosaic Law, Sabbath

Concerning the Sabbath, God gave the Sabbath to Israel alone as a sign and seal of the

Old Covenant (see Ezekiel 20:20). The Sabbath was part of the Mosaic Law and has been

fulfilled and done away in Christ (Romans 6:14). Since Jesus fulfilled the type and

shadow of the Sabbath true rest for the believer under the New Covenant is found in Him

alone, not on the seventh…

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Ephesians #11 1:19-20

Paul continues his prayer for the church by declaring how God has shown His power in four ways.

  1. Raised His son from the dead,
  2. The ascension and seating Him at His right hand,
  3. Exaltation above spirits with enemies under his feet,
  4. Exulted as head of the church.

(continued in part #12)

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