Six Types of wrath
- Gods eternal wrath (lake of fire),
- God's eschatological wrath (Rev.) (Daniel's 70th week),
- Cataclysmic wrath (earthquakes),
- Reaping what was sown (disease),
- Abandonment
- Vindicatory wrath — judgement for harming God's people,
- Hardening wrath — denying God's truth leads to God hardening their hearts.
- Rebellion and rejection of General Revelation (Rom 1:18-20),
- Rejection of the One True God for the false gods of idolatry (Rom 1:20-23),
- Wrath of Abandonment due to routine sexual activity outside of marriage (Rom. 1:24-25),
- Wrath of Abandonment progression to abnormal sexual activity (Rom 1:26-27),
- Wrath of Abandonment leads to the reprobation of depraved minds (Rom 1:18),
- God's wrath of Abandonment leads to full blown moral corruption (Rom. 1:29-32).