Ephesians #42 4:20-24, part 1
Believers are to learn and be taught in Jesus Christ to put off the old man (self) and put on the new man(self) created in the likeness of God
More Parables #4: The unmerciful servant, p4
The Parable of the unmerciful servant, part 3 (Matthew 18:23-35).
Ephesians #41 4:17-19
Ephesians 4:17-19 - Believers are not to walk in their former lifestyle of unbelief.
More Parables #3: The unmerciful servant, p3
The Parable of the unmerciful servant, part 3 (Matthew 18:23-35).
Ephesians #40 4:16
Jesus Christ supplies growth for the Church to all and every individual for edification in God's love.
More Parables #2: The unmerciful servant, p2
The Parable of The unmerciful servant, p2 (Matthew 18:23-35)
Ephesians #39 4:14-15
Paul gives two ways to preserve and protect the unity of the faith: 1) avoid doctrinal instability, 2) grow up to the measure of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians #38 4:12-13
Jesus Christ has given the five ministry gifts to the Church for the achivement of three goals: (1) For the equipping of the saints, (2) For the work of ministry, (3) For the building up of the body of Christ to full maturity.