Matthew 13 #6 (parable 3, v31-32), part 1
Parable #3: The parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32)
Parable #3: The parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32)
The Apostle Paul explains the reason and purpose for his gospel ministry for the glorious benefit of believers.
Paul’s undeserved placement into the Gospel Ministry by the unmerited grace of God — An instructive pattern for all servants of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 3:4-6. The Mystery of Christ declared, defined, and disclosed by the Apostle Paul.
Expositing Ephesians Part 24. Ephesians 3:1-3. The Mystery of Christ Declared, Defined, and Disclosed by the Apostle Paul
The Church is now the living temple of God. Greek word used for Temple is ναος (naόs), sanctuary is ιερόν (ieron).