Matthew 13 #1 (parable 1, v3-9)
Parable #1: The parable of the sower and the seed (v3-9)
Parable #1: The parable of the sower and the seed (v3-9)
The Church is now one nation, one household, and one new temple with Jesus Christ being the cornerstone.
Porter (John 10:3; Acts 16:6-11), Paraclete (advocate, helper, counselor, attorney) (John 14:16, 26), Witness (Rom 8:16; 9:1), The Finger of God (Matthew 12:28).
The announcement of peace introduces the reality that Believers have one access to God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Seal (Eph 1:13; 4:30), Earnest payment or down payment (Greek αρραβών) (Eph 1:14), Clothing (Rom 13:14), Seven (Zech 3:9; Rev 5:6), Dove (Gen 1:2; Lk 3:22).
Jesus Christ has brought peace through His death and reconciled Jewish and Gentile believers into one New Man, the Church.
Salt (Matt. 5:13), Oil (Heb. 1:9, Acts 10:38), Wine (Acts 2:13-15), Seed (1 John 3:9).
Jesus Christ has united and reconciled the once-alienated Gentiles through his redemptive blood.