God’s wrath of abandonment over a nation: 6 indicators that America is under abandonment under Romans 1:18-32, part 2

Six Types of wrath

  1. Gods eternal wrath (lake of fire),
  2. God's eschatological wrath (Rev.) (Daniel's 70th week),
  3. Cataclysmic wrath (earthquakes),
  4. Reaping what was sown (disease),
  5. Abandonment
  6. Vindicatory wrath — judgement for harming God's people,
  7. Hardening wrath — denying God's truth leads to God hardening their hearts.
Six indicators that America is under abandonment under Romans 1:18-32:
  1. Rebellion and rejection of General Revelation (Rom 1:18-20),
  2. Rejection of…

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Ephesians #12 1:21-23

(continued from part #11) Paul continues his prayer for the church by declaring how God has shown His power in four ways.

  1. Raised His son from the dead,
  2. The ascension and seating Him at His right hand,
  3. Exaltation above spirits with enemies under his feet,
  4. Exulted as head of the church.

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Ephesians #11 1:19-20

Paul continues his prayer for the church by declaring how God has shown His power in four ways:

  1. Raised His son from the dead,
  2. The Ascension, seated at His right hand,
  3. Exhaultation above spirits,
  4. Exhaulted as head of the Church

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Ephesians #10 1:15-18

Paul's prayer for the church is that they increasingly grow in the wisdom, revelation and knowledge of God. Paul's prayer:

  1. Increasing knowledge of God,
  2. Knowing God's calling,
  3. Knowing God's riches,
  4. That they might know God's power.

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