Isaiah: Israel’s past rebellion against God
Is. 63:10-19 - Israel's past rebellion against God. Their cry and complaint to Him during the diaspora.
Is. 63:10-19 - Israel's past rebellion against God. Their cry and complaint to Him during the diaspora.
OT Persons foreshadowig Jesus Christ - Adam: Romans 5:12-21;1 cor. 15
Is.63:1-9 The great reckoning of Messiah's return, a day of vengeance; a day of redemption.
August Rosado & Dr. Todd Baker teach at the valley of Elah south west of Jerusalem where the epic battle between David and Goliath take place.
Overview: Prominent persons in the OT that typify and foreshadow Jesus Christ
Job 14:14 - Death, heaven, hell, and the afterlife
Is. 61:5-11 What the Messiah will do at the first coming and second coming, part 2
The Great White Throne Judgement, part 2
Is. 61:1-5 What the Messiah will do at His first coming and second coming
Is. 60:12-22 Jerusalem will be the capital of the Lord's future Messianic kingdom - a place of glory...